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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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User Input Analytic App

8 - Asteroid



Which interface tool would I use to create by user inputting an account # and where would I put it like which tool? Any examples or videos?


I can do the drop down and text box tools, but that doesnt allow to enter an account #



8 - Asteroid

ooh ok, so its only to pull and retrieve that specific filer or account?

20 - Arcturus

@Hi2023 yes, since you have all the account# the user just enter the account# in the text box and with the help of a filter tool all the records belongings to that account number can be extracted

8 - Asteroid

so you cant do this to then run the workflow?

is there a tool that can user can select an account# then it would run it kinda like self service?

20 - Arcturus

@Hi2023 yes, this can be done by chaining the workflow (Chaining analytic app), in the first workflow enter the user account# and run the second workflow. yu will get more idea on chaining workflow in the below post

8 - Asteroid

No, I dont think thats what I need -I only want to be able to type in an account # and then it run the workflow for that account# only.

I get stuck on how to configure the action tool.

20 - Arcturus

@Hi2023 I was talking about the same. When the user enters the account number he/she only should see the account details. This can be achieved with a filter tool where the action tool should update the account number. If that is what you want I can create a sample workflow for you

8 - Asteroid

oh yes that would be awesome, plz! I would like to see how and the configuration of the action tool

20 - Arcturus

@Hi2023 Attaching a sample workflow, I used the customer id here




8 - Asteroid

But I cant do it a filter for the account ID bc there is TOO many account IDs -I want it to be where they insert their account ID and it runs the workflow that is attached to a excel report.

20 - Arcturus

@Hi2023 I thought one user will be having one account number. Can you upload a sample input file and expected output file for better understanding 
