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Convert Fields from DateTime to just Date

7 - Meteor


As someone who is constantly using the date input tool, I find it extremely frustrating that the default date format is DateTime and not just Date. None of the data I work with ever has the Time stamp so it just looks unprofessional to have that timestamp. I know the format can be changed in things such as the Select or Join tool, but it gets annoying having to click through and update my fields one by one every time.

Right now my direct question is my query is pulling in around 400 fields, with half of them being date fields. Obviosuly it is unreasonable to scroll through the 400 fields and manually changhing them, is there anyway that I can simply update all those DateTime formats to Date with some sort of tool like the multi-formula tool?

I would really like to see Alteryx update this in the future to either be able to change the default format, or just change the default to anything but DateTime. I've seen posts like this requesting something similar to this going back almost 10 years ago so I don't think i am in the minority of this.

19 - Altair


select all date fields


convert format to date

deselect "copy output fields and add"




Assuming you are using SQL - Alteryx is taking the field type from your db - it's datetime in your db - so it's datetime in Alteryx. This is a good feature.



16 - Nebula

Hi @kfish 


You can change the datatype of multiple columns using the multi field formula:




17 - Castor

Hi @kfish 


One way of doing this.




Input was:




Many thanks

Shanker V
