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Update a common file on the basis of comments in other output file

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have a 3 step process out of which I have automated 1. 2nd is manual. And the 3rd one follows manual process, currently done manually but I am looking to automate it.


The process is done monthly.


1. New monthly Input files (6 of them) are vlookup and reverse lookup with a common main file based on certain validations to identify what data needs to be added or deleted in that main file. Output in 2 different tabs (Add, delete) in a vertical layout segregated by input file header and then data.


2. Manual process requires checking those identified data points based on couple more things and deciding whether it actually requires addition or deletion. Comments are added in another column (Add/Delete)


3. Only the data which has corresponding comment written is then looked up in Main file and acted accordingly (whether added or removed) This is manual and I want to make it automated.


2 inputs for this last process. A main file which is the same as the one used in 1st process to make it updated for the next month run. Output of the 1st process which will have column "comments" updated with the final decision.


The alteryx checks the column "comments" and if it's add in "add" tab then go the corresponding worksheet of the main file and add the data (whole row comprising 7-8 columns). If the corresponding column is empty then don't do anything.


Similarly do this for "delete tab". If the column is delete then remove that data from the main file otherwise don't do anything.

ID - Primary key on which vlookup is being done.


Thanks, any leads would be appreciated.

20 - Arcturus

@Isha_Gupta Based on my understanding one suggestion would be to create a column in the main sheet (column name: Add/Delete/Blank), then map the values from the comment field, which I think is from another file. once you have all the corresponding comments updated use a filter tool and filter out the delete records.
