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Tableau server connection via REST API

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

Hello all,


For a long time we have an issue to connect to Tableau server with Alteryx. We already have a ticket open, but I just like to hear from you.


So please consider this.


- Tableau server A (2021.4.15) and Tableau Server B (2022.3.6)

- Proxy enabled

- Postman and Alteryx 2023.1


I just tried to connect, created and used personal tokens on both servers.


Postman connected without an issue.

Alteryx connected to Server A, but not server B, it returned SSL connect error.


The difference between these 2 servers is only the version, so API version 3.14 vs 3.17

Different tokens as expected

same proxy for both


I used simple workflow to connect with Download Tool.


Any suggestion where to check? There is something I miss and not able to figure it out.








Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE
12 - Quasar

I don't this matters much, but did you change the version number in  your API calls?

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

Hi @David-Carnes , not a versioning issue. It looks like the issue is with proxy. Even proxy bypassed, still no success. However, I just found that when I run Fiddler Classic, and when the proxy option is enabled (even it's disabled, it doesn't matter), looks like Fiddler acting as proxy. and it's working. So, why my company's proxy is not OK, and Fiddler is doing the job. How so? What's the trick here I miss?

Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE
12 - Quasar

Good grief!     Could you talk with your network folks?
Or maybe this might work: 

19 - Altair

I'd recommend adding the api version you are using into the header. This may be a proxy issue. This may not be a proxy issue. If you have a proxy from Postman - set up the proxy in Alteryx. 
