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Stored Procedure Error Opening: No Columns Returned

5 - Atom

Hi Alteryx Database Connection Team, 


I'm trying to connect my stored procs into alteryx. Unfortunately when I run them in AYX I get the attached error. 



However, the same exact procedure runs perfectly in SSMS and returns 10 dates & corresponding values. Can anyone offer guidance on how I can solve this issue?


For additional context I'm using ODBC 17. 


Thank you!


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Zmarx1 


Like @mtatum found out in this post, OLEDB is more reliable than ODBC when dealing with stored procedures.  Another thing is that the stored procedure must return a single result set.  SQL Server is often configured to return a record count as well as the data, so add SET NOCOUNT ON to the SP to turn this off.



5 - Atom

stored proc does return a single set. I've also tried connecting via OLE DB and this still does not work. Any other suggestions you may have?

5 - Atom

I've been trying to debug this stored procedure issue for a few days now with no solution. 


I've tried doing ODBC connection, and oleDB, have tried several different drivers, but still haven't gotten a solution. 


Is there any other suggestion here? The exact same sproc executes with no errors in SSMS. 


For additional detail, many configurations I select don't even get the sprocs to show up in AYX, but when I use ODBC and ODBC Driver 17 for SQL server the stored procs at least show up. 


Please let me know if there is something else I should be doing. 

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