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Header Warning in workflow

5 - Atom

My workflow was running properly and all of a sudden it is not functioning properly. I had messed around with some user setting but reset them back to default (so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it).


But when running the workflow, I receive a "Warning" that says 'There are multiple header records for one, non-sectioned output. Only the first will be used"


I have no idea how to resolve and need both outputs to be used. Any help is much appreciated please- thank you very much!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Because your grouping by Project and Category in the Report Text tool, 4 Text objects are created. The header is then replicated for each of those, but in the Render tool, all 4 table objects are rendered onto the same page and a page can only have one header, so the warning is telling you that the first of the 4 headings are selected.


5 - Atom

Thanks for the info. Would you happen to know how to resolve these warnings properly? I am very new to Alteryx still. Thanks!!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can insert a Layout tool between the Table tool and Header tool. Set the Layout Mode to All Records Combined.




5 - Atom

Great - thanks!

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