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Quotation marks in a formula

6 - Meteoroid

Any chance the difference between "" and '' when creating an IF formula?


IF [sales report]="sales20230404" THEN "April sales" ELSE "Others" ENDIF


I wonder if I have to use double quotation for CONTAINS formula and IF formula?


thanks a bunch!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @miki2024, you can use either! The only time you’ll need to be particular is if you have one type of quotation marks in the string itself. I.e. you’d need to use double quotes if there are single quotes in the target and vice versa.


For example: “He said ‘Hello’ to me” has to be wrapped with double quotes because there’s single quotes inside. Inversely, ‘He said “Hello” to me’ is wrapped in singles as there’s double within.

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