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Issue with Single Quotation Marks Being Replaced by Question Marks in Alteryx Workflow

5 - Atom


My Alteryx workflow for data mapping works in the following way:
Whenever I receive new values to be mapped from the source Excel file, those new values get written into a Redshift table as VARCHAR(255) to be mapped to the master value. Once they are mapped, they are used for subsequent mappings.

The issue is that all values containing single quotation marks are successfully saved into the table, but once they are exported to the Alteryx flow through the "Input Data" tool, all single quotation marks are replaced by question marks during the reading process.

Adding "Charset=UTF8" to the connection string didn't help resolve the issue.

I would appreciate it if someone could help me with resolving this.

Thank you.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Max2466 


This could be a mismatch between the code page in your Redshift data and the code page in Alteryx.  The single quotes are extended characters in a UTF-16 alphabet.  When you read them back into Alteryx, the extended character info is lost. 


Any chance you can post a screen shot?



5 - Atom

Hi Dan,

Thank you a lot for helping with this, and apologies for the late reply. I had no access to my device.

I've seen some screenshots showing the code page option in the Input Data Tool settings. But for me, it's missing. Do you have any idea why? I couldn't manage to find an answer myself.



This is the data type and encoding in the Redshift table the data comes from:

Capture 1.JPG


Please let me know if you need any specific screenshots to take a look.

Thank you,


18 - Pollux

Max - can you share your odbc 64 settings? and turn on logging in your odbc 64? It's worth seeing if this is occuring in Alteryx or in the driver...
