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Previous Publish to Tableau Server tool

7 - Meteor

I installed the newest version of the Publish to Tableau Server tool. Unfortunately, my organization is only on Tableau 10.1, so I need a previous version. I've downloaded and attempted to install v 1.08.1, but nothing seems to happen and only the newer version is available in my palette. Any suggestions? I'm running Designer 2018.2. Thanks in advance!

13 - Pulsar

Why not convince the organisation to upgrade Tableau ?  10.1 was released in was first released in Nov 2016 so it's really out of date when you consider that Tableau releases a major version about every quarter.


That said, if you UNinstall the macro first, can you then install the older one ?

7 - Meteor

Thanks cmcclellan! Uninstall was what I was looking for, but wasn't able to figure out how. Turns out it was as simple as deleting the folder containing the tool. Your suggestion prompted me to look for these instructions, which were extremely helpful. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

13 - Pulsar

No worries, always happy to help :) 
