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Need to Add Column Name

7 - Meteor

Hi All...


Here attaching input excel file & Alteryx flow..


want to use this flow for multiple excels & DB Table.

But in Summarized & Transpose tool I have to change each column name which is not feasible.


So I was think to rename column name as column1 coulmn2 column3....which will be generic for all input data file and no need to change each & every column name again and again.. and at end result again get proper input data column name , not column1 column2 column3...


Main Task is that... here multiple inputs file with different columns name and want single flow.. just connect desired excel and get output.

output attached in flow is correct & required... need to automate only column names part..



Please help... its urgent

7 - Meteor

Thanks Ladarthure for the solution..

Here, user not want to change Column name but want actual column name as an end result without manual intervention..



If there is anything please let men know




14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@alokkrsachan yoiu did not provide an expected output, do this and then people will be able to help you better, from your input file what column names would you expect.


Different people tried to help you and provided you different methods to do different things.


With the method I showed you, the only thing is that files/DB needs to have the same number of columns.

11 - Bolide

Here's what I'm gathering from your request.

  1. Change incoming column names to Column1, Column2, Column3, etc.
  2. Perform whatever actions needed within the workflow.
  3. Revert back to the original column names instead of Column1, Column2, Column3, etc.

Do I have this right?  If yes, how's this?  This way it doesn't matter if the input file has 3 columns or 30.




7 - Meteor

Ok Ladarthure...


- Column Name should be same as in input file... 

     So  Input Column name --> Change to Generic Column name as column1, column2, column3..--> again in final output file       change back to Original column name as in input file ... this all should be automatic.

- Column No can be change as no excel or DB table have same data.. but need to use same flow for all Excels & tables








7 - Meteor

Exactly Robin..

All understanding is exact same as i required..


Want to change default column name only due to i don't want to change column name in Summarize & transpose tool manually.. that's it.


if there is any other way... please suggest & help

11 - Bolide

@alokkrsachan I attached an example workflow above for you to follow.
