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Multiple String Replacements in Field Names Using Dynamic Rename Tool

7 - Meteor



I am attempting to dynamically provide a list of file names in a list box inside an app. I have a couple of patterns of characters within my field names, which I would like to replace out before they are presented to the user. For instance, "___"  (three underscores), I would like to show as " - " (space dash space). Also, in the same field names, it now shows "_dbf" after the cross tab tool. I would like to change those back to a normal extension of ".dbf" (dot dbf). 


My question is, is there a way to do this, without using multiple dynamic rename tools? Is there a Regex_Replace function I could use? You can see in the screenshot below I tried two replace expressions separated by an OR statement and that did not work. If I have to use multiple dynamic renames, I will do that, but I feel like there is a way to simplify this. Thanks ahead of time for any help on this!


Screenshot 2021-05-19 153206.jpg

19 - Altair

Dynamic Rename uses standard IF/Then/Else formatting. your idea should be fine if you adjust for that format. Not sure how a regex could work.


so basically:


if contains([_currentfield_],"_") then replace([_currentfield_],"_","-") else replace([_currentifled_],"-dbf",".dbf") endif


or something like that - I'd do the .dbf change first since it includes "_" but is more specific.

7 - Meteor



It seems like it's taking the first replace in the if then logic, but not the second replace...





11 - Bolide


Did you try just to apply two Dynamic Rename tools with formulas:

first with :


and second with :



I think it should work.




19 - Altair

hmm it should be working - if you post your fieldnames I can take a look at it - but my expectation is that the exact characters aren't matching. if you do something like "__" or even "_" as a test run you can see what the composition looks like. But the strategy should be the same... Also - not sure if it's case sensitive but if it is you can wrap each entry in an uppercase() function.


But keep in mind that the if/then combo will only do one replace at once. You can do a nested replace like


replace(replace([_currentfield_],"_dbf",".dbf")"___","-") and see how that looks.

7 - Meteor

Thanks Karolina!


I did. And that definitely works. I was just curious if there was a way to consolidate the dynamic renames, as i'm actually going to end up having more than just the two I provided in the above example. I was hoping just one dynamic rename with replacement logic would work for all the clean up, but definitely not the end of the world if it doesn't. 

7 - Meteor



I've attached the list of field names i'm attempting to clean up. Let me know what you think. Thanks again!!!

19 - Altair

This is how I'd do it---- it uses the dynamic rename but it takes the info from the right anchor and you can perform granular fieldname changes in the formula tool with greater transparency...

7 - Meteor

I dig this solution. This worked great. Thank you! This is still better than having to do 5 different dynamic renames in my opinion. Thanks again!

19 - Altair

Thanks! - Glad to help.
