Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Moving Data from a Singular Column up 9 cells

5 - Atom

Hello - I am attempting to format data. After the union the data I have in every column except one is in the correct row. In column 16 the data points are 9 cells below where I would like them. Rows 12-19 instead of 3-10 like preferred. Is there anyway to move the data in this singular column up 9 rows without affecting the other columns? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @BFooteVT ,


you can take the column out (select), remove the first 9 rows (sample), and add it back to the dataset (join by record position).


See example attached.



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar



Alteryx has exactly the tool you need:  the Multi-Row Formula tool.  This will work as long as you want all data in this field (column) moved up 9 rows.  If there is data in this field already in the correct location, it would take a few more tools to get this to work, depending on which data should move and which should not.  Let me know if you have questions.  


Move Data Up.png
