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Layout Report to Save to PDF

8 - Asteroid

Hi. I have been trying to figure out how to export base data plus 45 rows of associated data on a PDF file in portrait mode. My challenge is that I need to export data, but customer ID/sales date to their own record/PDFs. So far, I can get the tables to behave, but the final output is giving me individual pages for each row of data. I really need to group them all on one sheet (or a second sheet with the header on top).  Attached is the sample data and a working workflow as well as how I would like the export to be on PDF.


I assume that somewhere with the render tool/report tool you can separate into different files?


Thanks for any advice.

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir yes! That worked. I looked everywhere for something similar to how I handle Excel extracts. I usually use a Formula tool to generate my paths so I can drop in dates and such. Thank you so much!

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir I am pressing my luck here, but how do I make sure that the header is at each page? Only one of each customer PDF has the header and not on all the customers. Also, if the data spills to page 2, it would be great to have the header to make sure the pages match up. When I explore options in the Render Tool under Report Data, selecting the Header just ends up breaking each line of data out to its own sheet.



11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - round 4! See attached workflow. This should do it to include header on each customer output. I provided two options. Hope again this helps!

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir - A masterpiece! I like the use of a header tool... definitely would love to add in our logo. I was hoping to get the table with the blue header replicated to top of each page in case there is a continuation. For now, I can live it until I can see how to copy the header page to page.


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