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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Layout Report to Save to PDF

8 - Asteroid

Hi. I have been trying to figure out how to export base data plus 45 rows of associated data on a PDF file in portrait mode. My challenge is that I need to export data, but customer ID/sales date to their own record/PDFs. So far, I can get the tables to behave, but the final output is giving me individual pages for each row of data. I really need to group them all on one sheet (or a second sheet with the header on top).  Attached is the sample data and a working workflow as well as how I would like the export to be on PDF.


I assume that somewhere with the render tool/report tool you can separate into different files?


Thanks for any advice.

11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - see attached workflow. Is this what you're looking for? Hope this helps!


**updated to include whitespace between tables

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir - this is incredible how fast you did this! What is your secret? Just lots of experience? I spent hours just learning these tools and nothing I tried worked. Thank you!

11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - haha I appreciate that! There's really no secret except for 7+ years of experience with Alteryx. I trial and error a lot (fail a lot), and I read through other discussions for great/creative ideas from other users. I use it on a daily basis - it's my tool of choice for nearly all data solutions!

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir - Again thank you. In testing it, I added another sales, and unfortunately, it combines the two by Item ID. I need to be able to separate each customer to their own sheets. Is there a setting I can't find in the export process?



Screenshot Render.PNG

11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - I think this will do it! Let me know!

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir yes! This exported to two different sheets - thank you! So, where did you make that edit? I see you added in the Append tool, but how does that help? You are amazing, my man!

11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - Glad it worked!!


I added the append tool to include a blank text so it would include a spacer between each section of the tables per customer. Not sure if there's a better solution, but that worked for me!


I also updated the Report Table tools by selecting Group By 'Customer ID'. 

8 - Asteroid

@usmanbashir - Thank you for helping me. It works great with a little tweaking of the color and alignment options. Now, I have two final questions - how can I get this to generate a separate stand alone PDF for each customer? You helped me separate the reporting within the PDF, but the need is to have a separate 1 to 2 page report for each customer. Although we can use Adobe Acrobat to extract pages out of a file, it would not be efficient due to volume.


And finally, I was able to figure out how to change the path of where I want the PDF to go in the final Render Tool, but it doesn't let me name it. I would need to not only extract separate PDFs for each customer, I would need to be able to dynamically name them using the Customer Name and ID.

11 - Bolide

@JPSeagull - happy to help!!


- Update your Render tool similar to screenshot below. To update your filename, you can

1) change/update the field to Group On before the Render tool

2) change the 'Modify Filename By:' configuration as needed.


Location to be saved can be changed by updating the field to include full path and file name and selecting [Replacing Entire Path With Group' under Modify Filename By:


Hope this makes sense or let me know if you have other questions!

