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Import multiple excel tabs from multiple files with different schema

6 - Meteoroid



I have around 70+ excel workbooks having multiple tabs in each workbook. All workbooks have a tab among them which is named the same across all workbooks (For eg: A 'sheet1' tab is available in all the workbooks) .I would like to extract the same named tab from all the excel sheets and combine it into one dataset. However, the schema of the tab differs from time to time and workbook to workbook, hence I would not be able to use wildcard or any other commonly used tools. The main issue over here is the schema of the tabs is different and I am having trouble using straight forward options. 


I do understand that there is neat explanation on building a macro which helps if you have a workbook and multiple sheets, or multiple workbooks with a single sheet. However my case is different and would need some additional help.


NOTE: I am using an old version of Alteryx (2018.2.6.51223) and am not able to run any of the given macros in the


previous posts. It would be really helpful to provide formulas as text and workflow screenshots for me to recreate the workflows.


Thanks in advance.




6 - Meteoroid

Hi Chris,


Thanks for the suggestions, however I am stuck at a different point in the process. I have tried to integrate the batch input macro with the multi-tab excel output flow and see that the when the table tool is inserted in the macro (screenshot below)

Macro with Table tool.PNG

, it is taking only the table format of the file given in the macro at the input tool(circled in yellow), however the expectation is that the table tool should dynamically take the table structure of the different tabs which the batch macro extracts.


(screenshot below) The flow where the macro is being used.



Is it possible to make the macro take the table structure of the new sheet dynamically every time the batch input macro runs? 



PS: It is not possible to attach any flows or files to the post as it is against work policy.





