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How to write the data in Excel Binary (.xlsb) format using output tool

9 - Comet



I want to write the set of data in .xlsb format using Alteryx output tool.

Can you please help me with an example.


I use Alteryx 2022. In input tool and Output tool i can see .xlsb option.


I can able to read the .xlsb file using input tool but not able to save the file in .xlsb using output tool.


Please suggest.


Thank you in advance!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It's available in 2022.3 - should be available if you have 2022.1 as wellHow to write the data in Excel Binary (.xlsb) format using output tool.PNG

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @alt_tush 


It's even available in v2021.x !   so what version are you using ?



9 - Comet

Hello flying008,


thank you for your prompt response. I am using 2022 version. I can see the .xlsb option in dropdown. But how i can save the file?

What should i put in path?

Do you have any sample workflow?


thanks again :)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I am not sure about the struggle you are facing - it is just about setting the file name and tab name you want your data to go. Here is a sample
