Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to filter out dates on the first of the month

6 - Meteoroid

I am building a workflow that has a data set with dates ranging back two years. I need to filter out the dates that fall on the first of the month (I.E. X/1/XX). Is this possible?

17 - Castor

How does this look @TimM16? As your dates aren't in a format that Alteryx can work with (YYYY-MM-DD), we need to use the DateTimeParse() function - I have assumed from X/1/XX that your incoming format is MM/DD/YY so please let us know if not. We then wrap this in the DateTimeDay() function which returns the day as an integer and therefore we then just need to apply a simple check to see if it isn't equal to ('!=') 1:






After (top, true anchor):



8 - Asteroid

Hi TimM16,


I believe this is possible through using a couple of different tools. 

I've attached an example workflow that applies this filter dynamically for you.

It works by converting the date field to a Date data type. Then using the DATETIMEDAY() function to extract the day of the month. You can then use that value in the Filter tool. 

Let me know if this solves your question!

