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How to create empty rows between tables in excel output

7 - Meteor


i need to output 2 tables into one excel sheet(vertically) and between the 2 tables there should be some empty rows

Have tried to create another table with null values and join the 3 tables together. I am able to get empty rows in final output but the height of the empty rows is very narrow. I actually want to to be the same as the other 2 tables which have values


I use render tool to output into excel, btw


Have tried to adjust the height of table layout but it didn't help


Anyone has a suggestion? 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

That is correct, since null will be filter out bu Alteryx.😣

13 - Pulsar

Hi @ChloeZhao0122 


You can set up the workflow to take in the assigned tables together before combining them all.


This way I set up the connections between the different tables into how they are supposed to be grouped by and then later on connected them all and was able to still insert a space between each table and be able to output to different files.


I added a screen shot of one of the outputs (both files look the same), and the workflow.








7 - Meteor

@pedrodrfaria thank you for your suggestion but it doesn't work for my case. I only have 2 inputs so i just need to join them once.. 

So what i did is: join the the 2 tables, then insert a space, and then use vertical layout and then render output.. but it doesn't produce the expected output i want

6 - Meteoroid

Creative !! 

7 - Meteor

This is a good solution but what if you have multiple tables where you want a break in between each one?
