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How to achieve this output

5 - Atom

Hello everyone! I am very new to Alteryx and am looking for some help to transform my data set.


I am working with a dataset that looks like this 

City Name New York   
Branch Name Green   
Year 2021   
 CategoryTarget 1 Target 2 Target 3 


I want to take the information and create a new table where for each number I pull the Column Name, the category as well as the misc. information on the top left so that the resulting table looks sort of like this.

City NameBranch NameYearCategoryTarget #Amount
New YorkGreen2021A11
New YorkGreen2021A22
New YorkGreen2021A33
New YorkGreen2021B14
New YorkGreen2021B25
New YorkGreen2021B36
New YorkGreen2021C17
New YorkGreen2021C28
New YorkGreen2021C39
17 - Castor

Hi @Ralphlahens 



Here's one way. Isolate the data and the header using sample tools. The header info needs to be cross-tabbed and appended to the dataset. Then the dataset just needs to be transposed to get the target #s how you need them.



5 - Atom

Thank you so much, I'll try it out right now!

17 - Castor

@Ralphlahens , here is another way of doing it.




Sapna Gupta
5 - Atom

Thank you so much!
