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Highlight Differences in Comparison of String Values

6 - Meteoroid

We are comparing string values between 2 sources and then reporting (not correcting) when there is a variance. In my example, "Verification" is misspelled in one of the fields.

For the field that has the extra characters (in comparison to the other), we would like to visually highlight just the characters (not the full word, field, etc.) that are causing the variance.  Is there a way to do this?


Here is a screenshot of my current report output:

Field Variance.PNG




Here is a mock-up of the same, highlighting (rather imprecisely) where the variance is.  This is similar to how we would like it to appear in the report (we would prefer a different color font for the specific characters instead of the highlighting that I used in the screenshot).

Field Variance2.PNG




Here is how I am laying out my workflow for this comparison.  The fields for Database Value and Line Item Value are renamed in the Select tool.











Any help would be appreciated...thank you

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Unfortunately there is no way to do that in the Reporting tools.  
