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Google Analytics-Modify Macro to change .xml download location

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Alteryx Gurus,


I am running into the below error when I'm using the Update mode in the Google Analytics tool.

The issue basically that the location the tool is trying to download the .xml file needs Admin access on my machine.Now the company I work for is highly restrictive and they do not provide Admin access to anyone that easily.

So my question here is, is there a way to change the download location so that I can point it to some directory I have write access to.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The good news is that the Google Analytics "tool" is really a macro that you can open and explore. In your case, you'll probably want to copy the macro and supporting macros into an editable folder so you can make modification and use that new version:


C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Google_Analytics_v6.yxmc

C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros


The xml files appear to be written by these supporting macros:


C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros\GoogleAnalytics.Reset_Measures.yxmc

C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\Macros\Supporting_Macros\GoogleAnalytics.Retrieve_Custom_Parameters_v9.yxmc


The paths are defined by two Output Data tools in each of those macros. The most important step is that you update the path to the new file locations for the Google Analytic macro to match the path you set in these tools. Here are the tools you will need to edit in the Google Analytic macro:


Tree (575)

Tree (5)


Happy editing!


Edit for path update image:





13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

hello there @fauziaqbiz!


So there are two options you have. I believe that if you open your instance of Alteryx as an admin, this should be avoided. If you have a server instance in which this will be published too, that should be set up to run all of those workflows with admin privileges.


However, if you can't do that, here is what you do. I will stress that you need to make sure that you change the file names of the adjustments that you make. Maybe like "Google_Analytics_Local" or something that will let you know that this is not an organization wide tool.


1) If you open up the macro by right clicking on the macro and selecting "Open Macro...."

Step 1.png

2) You will be brought to a new workflow. Tool 573 is the macro you want to then open.



3) In this macro there are two write out tools (55,52). 

They default to "..\supporting_macros\googleanalytics.FILE.xml" ("FILE" being different). The ".." at the beginning tells Alteryx to save these files to the temp location where the macro is saved. You can change this path to whatever you want. 



4) once you have fixed that, MAKE SURE TO SAVE IT AS A NEW FILE.

5) Swap the old macro from step 2 to the updated macro you just made.



This adjusted macro will break the second you open the workflow from somewhere that is not your desktop. I would really shoot for the first option if you can.





Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
6 - Meteoroid

Thank you @Treyson and @CharlieS, I was able to modify the relevant Macros have the .xml files downloaded in the specified folder 'When I check the Reset to default' option within the Update Mode.




However without this option checked I'm getting the below error.

Have any of yo come across this issue before?




6 - Meteoroid

Turns out it was a permission issue, I am able to run the tool using Update mode now!

