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Getting an access token from OAUTH2

8 - Asteroid

Im trying to access an API that contains training information on individuals in my company - the API is using OAuth2 to issue a token but I cant get it to do that!  The developer that Im working with, has Postman installed on his machine and can request and get a token without issue but I get the following error:



I have the Download tool setup as follows (I have put asterisks in place of the actual ClientID and Secret :



I dont see what Im doing wrong, or different from Postman!  



19 - Altair

@alt_tush - @BrandonB would be the one to ask - but I'd strongly recommend posting some information on your errors. API's aren't the kind of thing were you have a lift and shift workflow and suddenly everything is awesome. This is usually because:


1) Security. Tokens/ClientIDs/ClientSecrets are specific to individuals and if I'm building a workflow that works for me - it will not work for you unless I compromise my credentials (and vice versa).

2) Wildly different APIs - without knowing what you are building an API for (ie what the API schema is) it can be totally off.


@alt_tush, this is a two download tool process. The first download tool has to call an authentication endpoint and pass the client ID, secret, etc. You put this endpoint in a Text input tool and then follow it with a Download tool where you enter the appropriate headers/payload. 


Please take a look at this link for some images of workflow examples and a walk through of working with APIs: 

9 - Comet

Hell oapathetichell,


Yes, you are right. It is not simply lift and shift the workfow. But I just want to understand the steps if i want to implement the API connectivity using Alteryx what all steps or parameters are required.


Thank you for your response :)

6 - Meteoroid

Does anyone have a curl command version of getting the authorization token specifying the API Key and Secret?

19 - Altair

Use postman and toggle to show code.
