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Formatting Error (Multi-Field Formula)

8 - Asteroid



I have a set of numbers - all double - and I'm trying to convert them into currency format.  For example, I have 5235.32342 and want it to show up as $5,235.32.  I used the Multi-Field Formula with the following formula:  '$'+ToString([_CurrentField_],2,1) and I kept the error that says "The formula - field name - resulted in a string but the field is numeric.  Use ToNumber(...) if this is correct.


I tried to incorporate the suggest ToNumber into the above formula as follows:  '$'+ToString(ToNumber([_CurrentField_]),2,1).  Now, I got the error that says "The formula - field name - resulted in a string but the field is numeric.  Use ToNumber(...) if this is correct.


What am I missing in this error loop?  Any suggestions?




20 - Arcturus

@knnwndlm Seems to be you are trying to update the same variable of type fixed decimal to string. you need to create a new column and apply your formula instead of updating the same column which is in numeric type. The Multi-Field formula tool has the option to change the data type of the same field but the formula tool doesn't support that functionality 
