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Dynamic removal of columns contain keywords/ strings

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


With GDPR and overall personal info awareness, I'm trying to create a workflow to help combat this issue and remove all the personal info columns from people's excel reports.


The problem I have now is that people may have different ways of spelling across departments, some either with "_" or no space, or even just because different language in different regions so it's impossible for me to maintain a full variation of the name list. 


As the screenshot my current workflow can only successfully delete "Name" column but not "FirstName" or "Last_Name":


Removal 1.pngRemoval 2.png


Anyone may help and advise how to make the workflow to scan my "keywords" list and identify the columns that contains those keywords and remove them completely -- the workflow needs to deal with case sensitive of the keywords, or parts in the string (such as that Last_Name of MailingAddress.


Thanks so much!


16 - Nebula

Hi @goutdelete 



adding a field info + regex, here is a way to do this:


Screenshot 2023-08-01 113342.png


13 - Pulsar

@goutdelete , I would approach it like this, using the DecomposeUnicodeForMatch and Contains functions:

Screenshot 2023-08-01 153954.png

8 - Asteroid

Thanks so much to both!


@FinnCharlton This is amazing!  Never knew "DecomposeUnicodeForMatch".  So happy to learn something new!!
