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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Connect to SharePoint Site with Multiple Lists

8 - Asteroid

Hello Community!

I have a question regarding connecting to a SharePoint Site that houses multiple lists, is this possible?

New lists with the same structure are added continuously and I would like to find out if instead of connecting to one at a time, there could be a way to connect at the SharePoint Site level?




The Alteryx SharePoint List Input tool is basically a pretty wrapper around some API calls. In order to dynamically leverage lists, you would probably need to leverage the download tool and make API calls to the lists API endpoint:




Once you retrieved all the lists in the site, you would need to leverage some logic to determine what lists you want to pull data from. Then once these lists are isolated, you would likely need a batch macro to query and parse all of the data. 

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the information!

It seems to be a substantial amount of work to get it done, any thoughts of future enhancements where a tool that can do most of this?


Hi @ZoeM,


API calls can seem a little intimidating at first, but being able to leverage them is a very useful skill. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if you have some free time. 


As for product improvements and ideas, we are always looking for customer feedback and evaluating people's suggestions that are posted here:


If enough people vote on your idea, you may see it included in the future!
