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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Combining several files with different sheet names

5 - Atom

I have the same file that I receive everyday titled "Aged deal report Open Inventory + AVG Cycle time 05012024" each day the file name changes based on the date. I know how to combine multiple files with like names using a wildcard. However the sheet that I need to pull from these files also changes based on the date. It is titled "OpenInventory05012024." Is there a way to pull these files with different sheet names. 

14 - Magnetar

If it is the same folder, you can bring it in using a wild card  folder path\*.xslx


would that work?

5 - Atom

unfortunately not 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Cheers, @LindonB 


5 - Atom

Snip image.PNG

5 - Atom

I was able to select all the data I needed from the directory. However I am still struggling with pulling the sheet name beginning with "Open Inventory" followed by a date in the format mmddyyyy. Can I do anything to pull all the sheets that begin with open inventory. 

13 - Pulsar

Have you tried using 2 Dynamic Input Tools: one to pull sheet names and one to pull data?


If you have multiple sheets, you can throw in a Filter Tool to include only sheets beginning with "OpenInventory". Hope this helps.


Happy Solving!
