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Change dates from biweekly to monthly

5 - Atom

I have some payroll data (all dummy) that has a start date (PPSD) and an end date (PPED) that ranges from 2022-2023. For the 2022 dates, I want to condense the payroll data down to monthly dates. 2023 will stay as the current biweekly payroll dates. The payroll dates are not consistent across employees so I want to base the monthly total off of what month PPED falls into. In the end, I want to have one line for each month in 2022. How do I condense the lines? I tried a multi-row tool but some months may have 3 lines(weeks) of payroll data instead of two. I've attached a before and after file of what I'm looking for. Any help appreciated. Thanks!

13 - Pulsar

Is the monthly total from the input already in your data? You could just use Summarize Tool to Group By [Monthly Hours]. Otherwise, here is another way to solve the problem:

