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Can someone tell me why my formula is telling there is an operator error?

5 - Atom

Hi all,


Hopefully a really quick one. I am trying to generate comments based off of comparing the value of column a and b. Both columns are in double data type, and output will be a vw string as it's text comment.


IF [Column A]<[Column B] then "Comment "+[Column B] else [Comment] endif


I am sure I am missing something simply but I've been staring at this build for so long im probably too close to it now

12 - Quasar

@PhillSelby do you have a small dummy sample we can test on?


just going off assumptions you could try this:

IF [Column A] < [Column B] THEN "Comment " + ToString([Column B]) ELSE [Comment] ENDIF
9 - Comet

To attach "Comment" with Column B, you need to convert your Column B to string. The operator error you are getting is because you are joining a numeric filed using + with a string.


+ operator works differently for string and numeric fields hence the error. As mentioned in previous comment, that formula should fix your error.
