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Can Word Cloud tool output information as data and not a visual?

8 - Asteroid

I would like to try to use the Word Cloud tool to find commonly used words then ideally be able to output to Excel to have a data set that list the top words used. I know that the render tools can be used to output the Word Cloud as an image but can it be configured to output the Word Cloud as data? I really only need the top words used but would be helpful to also have a column with the relative size of the words to indicate differences in frequency of it being used.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Can you split your data into individual words using Text to Columns / RegEx and then use a Summarize tool to count by word?


The Word Cloud won't output data, but you definitely can work with the data feeding into it to get counts!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Not sure what you mean by comparing size of word, but it sounds like a Length formula!
