Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Bar Chart

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone - 

We are seeking some direction to to build a graph shown in the 1st snippet below using the (deprecated) charting tool , data is on the left side of the chart. Apparently , we cannot use (I guess) a TEXT field  under series, also tried to convert the string to a number with no success - we would need the actual machine names (A,B,C, etc. is for illustrations purposes). I am adding my workflow which I tried to work with , second snippet below shows my progress what we are missing is the "Date" layer we could add to X-axis to show what is depicted in 1st snippet. Thank you in advance. M











13 - Pulsar

Hey @MD2050 

hard to tell as I’m looking at this from my phone, however firstly, it looks like you need to cleanse the date field so you have a value in every cell. 

then I think you’ll want to use the “split”  functionality in order to group the machines by dates like in your first graph. 

it’s possible you might need to add a new layer to do this. 

13 - Pulsar

Hey @MD2050 

Is it a requirement to use the old charting tool?

I've included a couple alternative solutions using the new interactive chart in the event they can be useful.



8 - Asteroid

Hello @gautiergodard -

Thank you very much for your solution. We have an older Alteryx version (2019.3) on both desktop application and server and for some reason I thought there will be a compatibility issue while deploying the workflow with new IC tool, I just finished testing the same and it worked - so I think we should be good with this solution.


Thank you very much again for finding time to help us. 

