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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Bank Reconciliation Checking for Duplciates

6 - Meteoroid

Hey Alteryx Community,


I'm needing some help! So, I've got an data sample, "Bank Rec", and I'm trying to check for non-duplicates (if using excel, I could use a conditional formatting and highlight all rows that are not duplicates) from the GL and checking it against the Bank Statement. However, my teacher is wanting us to use Alteryx with no training what-so-ever. I've Googled and searched the forums with little to no luck.


I'm just trying to check column B against Column E and highlight any numbers that aren't showing up in both columns. I'm super new to this program, so if you're able to show me the mapping of this output, that would be greatly appreciated!




7 - Meteor

I think this workflow I've attached will do what you're looking for. In Alteryx, the vlookup equivalent function involves matching the transaction types side-by-side together. Once that's done, you can create a new column with yes/no output that says whether or not that transaction is consistent. 



Once you have that yes/no, a reporting tool can perform the conditional formatting. 



Hi @JUSTiiN 

You can use the join tool to cross reference 2 different data sets and identify matches and non-matches. See the attached workflow as a simple example. The Unique tool can also be valuable to identify duplicated but would require some upfront formatting on your existing data set. If you'd like to incorporate conditional formatting check out the Table Tool

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this! This answered partial of what I was needing, but I think I can get the rest of it! Thank you very much!

6 - Meteoroid

Man, that's insane how simple you made that seem. This might be a dumb question, but does Alteryx offer an online course?


This is exactly what i was needing! Thank you so very much!


Happy to help! Check out Alteryx Academy for online courses.
