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Automate the file upload process

7 - Meteor


How can we automate the file upload process?

Like, before running the workflow, the interface should prompt the user on selecting the client folder, then the financial year folder and the file inside that folder should be uploaded to input data. 
How can we solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

13 - Pulsar

Hey @Vigneswaran 

Would you be using the client folder and financial year variables anywhere else if your workflow? Or is this just to select an input file?


Could you simply use the File Browse interface tool?



7 - Meteor


I have my input data for 2021 in my folder, now the user needs to work with 2022 data (which is also available in the same folder). 
Can I prompt the user while running the workflow to first select the Financial year, and provide a list of years available in the folder
Upon selecting the 2022 year, the action should change the file path given in the input.

My input data file path "C:\Users\vicky01\Desktop\Test\SampleClient\2021\Master File\MappingSheet.xlsx"

After the user selects the year (2022) from list. 
The updated input data file path should be "C:\Users\vicky01\Desktop\Test\SampleClient\2022\Master File\MappingSheet.xlsx"

Just the year should get updated in the input file path

13 - Pulsar

Hey @Vigneswaran 

Ok if I understand correctly you should be able to use the attached approach.

The users will have the ability to choose a value from the dropdown which will update the file path year in the structure you mentioned.

From there, the fullpath can be fed into the dynamic input.


Hope this helps!
