hi all,
i was tasked to create a dynamic rename app for all the excel, but currently i am stuck at creating flow for one file only.
what i envisioned currently is something like this
Step 1 |
Step 2 Whatever i selected in step 1 will be shown in as Drop Down (14), for eg if i select Account code, then Account code will replace Drop Down (14) |
Step 3 Create an output |
But I am currently stuck as the app keep showing stuff like this
I had attached some sample data for reference. Please help me to review my app if possible. Thanks!
What you need is a chain app my friend. https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/Chaining-Analytic-Apps/ta-p/243120
Some extra bits of info that can help:
If you are still stuck, refer to the attached workflows in .yxzp format. As it contains Chain Apps, please try it to get used to how Chain apps works.
By the way, in your original workflow, Action tool for Dropdown should be set to "Update Value". Otherwise it will not work properly. This was also corrected in my WF. Good luck!
Out of curiosity, why are you updating a Drop Down (Single Selection) with the selection of a List Box (Multi-Selection). Can you not just jump straight to the Drop Down with all the columns so the user can select which one he wants to see.
If you are trying to dynamically rename columns using a Drop Down, I do not believe that can be done with Alteryx at all, unfortunately. The only two ways, that would work, just off the top of my head:
1. List Box (Select Columns to Change), followed by Single Text Box, where user has to input comma separated list of new column names
2. Allow the user to upload a file with 2 columns, [Old Column Names] & [New Column Names]
The difficulty is that the application interface is not designed to be dynamic in the way that you need it to be based off of the data coming in.