Hi all,
Please assist with my following biz requirement.
Is there a way to extract the last English word in a string without spaces?
Input | Output |
bclmainedit | edit |
extractreferraldata | data |
pxextractdatetime | time |
pxextractidentifier | identifier |
adjustmentreasoncode | code |
reportingflag | flag |
reportingdate | date |
deletedauditid | id |
you would need a list of potential last words - otherwise this is not possible in alteryx. I do not believe you could get what you want even using an AI unless you also included a rule structure (ie the word - with the most characters- otherwise it would not know if you wanted state or estate.)
@padawanRZ You could use a dictionary API to reference like this one https://dictionaryapi.dev/ to look up words, but you'd need to create a macro that created every substring possible of each value then replaced "<word>" in the free dictionary API (https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/en/<word>) to query for every possible word. If you had 100 records to validate, that workflow would probably take a really long time.
looking for this, will have to import the python code then