Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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App - On success Open Browse and Resize

7 - Meteor

I have an app that will open a browse on success, as shown.


Browse Question.PNG


But it comes out in a small inconvenient size which needs to be resized to look at:


Browse Question2.PNG


I don't want my users to have to resize this every time. Is there a way I can change the default size to make it larger? Or possibly make the default a 'maximize'? This would greatly enhance my user experience.

8 - Asteroid

You can add a Table tool (located in the Reporting tools) before the browse and use the Table tool to format the cell size, font etc.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

There is not a way to have a browse tool open up maximized.  As suggested, you'll have to deliver the output to the user through the reporting tools, or even an excel file.
