Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Allocating data input fields to variables set up in the formula tool

7 - Meteor

In my Alteryx workflow, i'd really like to have a data input, followed by a field selection, and then set up some variables which can then be easily assigned fields from the data input.. currently my workflow is like this...




Data Input, data cleanse, field selection, then the formula tool to add create the variable to use downstream.


Does anyone have any suggestions please on how can I then assign input values to those variables, but using a drop down list, rather than having to manually type them in under each variable name within the formula tool?  is there a way I can achieve that and help make the user experience better?


Thank you


7 - Meteor

anyone able to help?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hey @Alex_H. Thank you for your post. It might be because the Introduce Yourself board is not the best place to ask technical questions. 😉 I am moving you post to our Designer Discussions board for more visibility. Moving forward, feel free to start a new thread in there if you have any other questions.  

Flávia Brancato
9 - Comet

Hi @Alex_H, you can click the X from formula configuration to select the columns that you want to use instead of type it.



7 - Meteor

Thanks, sorry it was my first post and didnt realise wrong board, thanks for help getting my question noticed

7 - Meteor

Thanks very much, i will try this out

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

No worries, @Alex_H. I am glad you already have someone helping with some suggestions. In fact, if this helps to solve your problem, don't forget to mark the answer as solution so you can also help other users to find this answer easier. 😉

Flávia Brancato