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Alteryx Analytics Cloud Product Ideas

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A simple way to export a workflow/app/... any asset from workspace to another workspace


Correct me if I'm wrong but we can't export or import a workflow. That sounds a very easy and very useful function, especially when you develop something and want to share with others users.


Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 10.04 AM.PNG

Best regards,


11 - Bolide

I understand the need and I would like to see this implemented as well

The import/export capability is available from the Library tab

import and export AAC.png

11 - Bolide

If this is what we want, I think the suggestion is also that Alteryx delivers a fix for the difference in file formats of the workflows as the Designer experience results in a .json, whereas the Trifacta experience results in a .json5 file

13 - Pulsar

Hello @RWvanLeeuwen and first for your attention. Actually, what I want, is the ability to export directy in the workflow scree/UI, in addition to the Library UI. It's more natural.

and also a way to export in another workspace without having to download it.

Best regards,


11 - Bolide