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Release Notes

‎10-29-2024 11:19 AM Created ‎10-25-2023 12:06 PM

New Features, Enhancements, and Changes [2.3.0 / 1.1.1]



Designer Build / Special Restrictions

Shiv Removal

We currently use shiv for distributing tools produced by the Python SDK. After investigating the current build process, shiv’s place in it, and the tool installation process we’ve found that shiv can be safely removed, and doing so will:

  • simplify the build and installation process

  • provide a more idiomatic python installation to plugin devs

  • greatly improve the debugging and development experience

  • 21.4+

  • Backwards and forwards compatible.

    • If I build a Tool with v2 SDK/CLI version 2.1.1/1.0.4 (Version Bump for Shiv Removal), all tools will work 21.4 and beyond.

    • Tool with v2 SDK/CLI version 2.0.X/1.0.2 will still work will work 21.4 and beyond.

    • Tool with v2 SDK/CLI version 2.1.0/1.0.3 will still work will work 21.4 and beyond.

Downgrade the minimum Node version to 12

Downgraded minimum Node version so that customers can use Conda that support from Node 12 to 18.

conda create -n NewEnv python==3.8.16 nodejs=14

  • 21.4+

  • Backwards and forwards compatible.

Post feedback from Customer, --use-ui and --no-use-ui options released in CLI version 1.1.0 has been reverted to maintain backwards compatibility. Instead, we offer the ability to opt-out of scaffolding plugins with UI-SDK components via new option --omit-ui.

Instead, we offer the ability to opt-out of scaffolding plugins with UI-SDK components via new option --omit-ui .

UI-SDK components will be automatically scaffolded by default if --omit-ui is not passed

We did this to create a better streamlined path for both:

  • Customers who care about UI (My Plugin uses UI)

  • Customers who DON'T care about UI (My Plugin has no UI)

  • Maintaining backwards compatibility

The following options are used in:

  • create-ayx-plugin
  • create-yxi
  • designer-install

With ayx-plugin-cli 1.1.0

  • --use-ui enable use cases that require UI components (My Plugin uses UI)

    • --use-ui is defaulted to False. If you want to build a Custom Tool that requires UI (via UI-SDK), please add --use-ui option.

  • --no-use-ui enable use cases that DO NOT require UI components (My Plugin has no UI)

With ayx-plugin-cli 1.1.1+:

  • --use-ui and --no-use-ui has been removed.

  • --omit-ui enable use cases that DO NOT require UI components (My Plugin has no UI)

    • --omit-ui is defaulted to False.


New Features, Enhancements, and Changes [2.2.0 / 1.1.0]



Designer Build / Special Restrictions

New ability to scaffold plugins with OR without UI-SDK components.

--use-ui and --no-use-ui option has been added to so that users can decide to include ui components or not depending on their use cases.

--use-ui is defaulted to False

We did this to create a better streamlined path for both:

  • Customers who care about UI (My Plugin uses UI)

  • Customers who DON'T care about UI (My Plugin has no UI)

If you want to build a Custom Tool that requires UI (via UI-SDK), please add --use-ui option during the create-ayx-plugin and create-yxi step.

  • 21.4+

  • Backwards and forwards compatible.

New ability to utilize all variables from Engine. (AMP Constants)

  • 21.4+

Modify grpcio-fips build process to support Bazel use cases.

  • Not Designer related.