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MADDIE: 00:04 |
Welcome to Alter Everything, a podcast about data science and analytics culture. I'm your producer, Maddie Johannsen. And for this episode, I passed my hosting mic to Annie Mais, our education program manager here at Alteryx. |
ANNIE: 00:18 |
And I know our desire, just to help get this into the hands of a younger student audience, is something that's really important to us too. |
MADDIE: 00:26 |
In this episode, you'll hear clips from two conversations that Annie had, both celebrating the success of students, a parent, and an educator who learned Alteryx, and who really see the value of data literacy. The first conversation you'll hear is with a father-son duo. Leo Rodriguez is a V.P. here at Alteryx. |
LEO: 00:44 |
Personal philosophy is that it never ever hurts to learn something new, right? |
MADDIE: 00:50 |
And his son, Felipe. |
FELIPE: 00:52 |
Math is universal. If I tell you one plus one-- in Chinese, one plus one isn't three, right? Here in America it's two, and over there it's two. It's universal. It makes sense. |
MADDIE: 01:05 |
You'll also hear clips from Annie's conversation with a teacher-student duo. Mr. Tinh Tran, a high school educator in Irvine, California. |
TINH: 01:13 |
It's really exciting because that empowers students to essentially figure things out for themselves. |
MADDIE: 01:20 |
And one of Tinh’s students, Ryan Wu. |
RYAN: 01:23 |
I think teachers who bring in that sort of extra news and that relevancy to the modern times, those are really engaging and appealing to me. |
MADDIE: 01:32 |
Throughout the episode, you'll hear me pop on to walk you through the conversations. To start, let's go to Annie, who asked Felipe's dad, Leo, to share a cool and relatable example of Alteryx in the real world. |
ANNIE: 01:47 |
Yeah. And it's interesting, Leo. As we are building programming and resources for a younger audience, a more K-12 specific audience, middle school, and high school, we are trying to come up with ways in which we can communicate what Alteryx does to this younger audience. And so I'm wondering, are there any kind of cool use cases or things that you have seen out in the world in your role that you think would inspire students around what Alteryx can do in a way that students find interesting? |
LEO: 02:18 |
Yeah. I think one of the things I thought is every time-- when we used to go out, or when we go out again, if you go to any burger place or any place that particularly my kids love, there are these Coca-Cola machines that you can mix your own flavors. I'm sure you've seen them. Felipe, what's your best combination on one of those machines? You know what I'm talking about. |
FELIPE: 02:48 |
I haven't been there in a while, but I pretty much-- you go crazy, and you basically turn your cup-- you think it's going to look like a rainbow, and it all turns brown because you're mixing all the colors together. |
LEO: 03:00 |
Yeah. So what those machines do is they have different types of Coca-Cola products. And you can imagine kids like these. They go and they put their own-- they put their own beverage together. Not always tastes great. But those machines have telemetry that they ship electronically to Coca-Cola. So what happens is Coca-Cola needs to deliver different sort of combinations of products and sort of the base products. So you have them in the machine, if you can imagine, all the combinations. Those machines have all the flavors of all the types of soda that Coca-Cola sells and all the flavors. It's just hundreds and hundreds of combinations. How do you make sure that they don't run out of product, right? And not only that. You also don't overstock the machine. So on one side, you have a dissatisfied client. On the other side, you have overstock and cost. So what Coca-Cola does-- they use Alteryx to look at all those combinations, analyze them, and ship close to the right amount of product to these places. So that's pretty exciting for a kid, that you can trace back all your favorite combinations with sort of this type of use case, right? I think it's amazing. We sell into some of the most iconic companies in the world. So let's think about a kid like Felipe's age, 13 years old. He's just a few years from getting out on the marketplace or starting doing internships. I think it's a tremendous competitive advantage to understand the basics of data science and understand one of the best tools there is in the marketplace. |
MADDIE: 05:06 |
For anyone out there who loves problem-solving, you can see the appeal of using Alteryx to get that insight from your data. As a bonus, you can check out this workflow on our show notes at But for now, let's turn to Annie's conversation with Ryan's teacher, Tinh, in California, who has been folding Alteryx into his curriculum at school. |
ANNIE: 05:26 |
Tinh, I know you and I have spoken quite a bit this last semester. But would you like to give an overview of the course that you teach, kind of some of the methods that you use to bring alternate instruction into your classroom? Just in general what your class looks like so we can kind of get a feel for the work that you're doing. |
TINH: 05:46 |
So I teach an engineering class. It's called Intro to Engineering Design. And as part of that class, students learn different types of software. So for example, they learn computer-aided design, CAD. And one of the big emphasis of that class is technology, and just learning and getting proficient at different types of technology. So what I do is I read, and I see what is relevant-- what are the relevant skills that workers need today? And then I try to incorporate those skills into my classroom. And one of those is data analytics, which is what we're here to talk about. |
ANNIE: 06:31 |
It's interesting because over the course of the last few months, we've introduced a program specifically for students who are in middle school and high school. And now, we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic where there is a lot more online and virtual instruction. So I'm curious, Tinh, just kicking off the semester-- actually, I think your semester was halfway through when you brought Alteryx into your classroom. But in light of the pandemic and the virtual learning, how has Alteryx helped support the work that you were doing, and what did that look like from a virtual standpoint with students learning it on their own? |
TINH: 07:08 |
Yeah. So Alteryx gave students the opportunity to learn a piece of software, Alteryx Designer, and get core certified on their own. And so what I did was I facilitated that process by creating a pacing guide where I broke down their learning path into various modules, and I put due dates on certain modules just to help them keep good progress through the learning path. And my goal was to have them complete the learning path in the remaining months of the school year that we had left during the pandemic. |
ANNIE: 07:55 |
Got it. And Tinh, I'm curious, too, just from an educator's standpoint. I know that you and I have had many discussions just about yourself learning Alteryx Designer. What was the process like for you as an educator onboarding to Alteryx Designer, and what did that look like then translating what you learned to your students? |
TINH: 08:15 |
Yeah. So the onboarding process was really easy, thanks to you and Alteryx. You provided all the instructions to how to download the software, how to sign on for an account. So that went really smoothly. Learning it, on the other hand, was a challenge for me because I'm used to the traditional Microsoft programs and Excel and things like that. I also teach Excel in my class. So learning Alteryx was kind of a different way to kind of basically do the same thing, but it was much more powerful and more robust. So at certain times, I had a hard time getting my head around it all, but it's really a really powerful tool, and I was really satisfied with the knowledge that I gained and even more satisfied by what my students are learning. |
ANNIE: 09:19 |
Got it. Agreed. Thank you. And Ryan, how do you end up in a class like the engineering class? What does that look like from a student perspective? |
RYAN: 09:29 |
I really wanted to learn more about technology and how to get hands-on experience with it. And Mr. Tran's class and his STEM programs really introduced me to a lot of that. And through his opportunities, I was really able to learn about things like data analytics and basic technological processes. I was able to learn Python. I was able to get experience with a Raspberry Pi and really play around that. And so I really enjoyed the class because I chose it, and it counted towards my graduation requirements. And yeah, I really enjoyed it. |
ANNIE: 10:02 |
Got it. And then, Ryan, what did that look like when Tinh brought the platform to your class? How was it introduced, and what were your initial thoughts about it? |
RYAN: 10:11 |
Yeah. So at our school, Mr. Tran, or Tinh, is the STEM program coordinator, and he offered everyone an opportunity to learn about Alteryx for free. So he advertised it to the students as kind of getting a leg up in the highly regarded data analytics job. And the keyword here that really appealed to me was that it was for free. I mean, getting the opportunity to try something new and earn a certification that would help me in my future while also being free. It didn't seem like something I would really want to brush aside and pass up on. So it was like a unique experience, especially since it was free. |
MADDIE: 10:46 |
You can see here that Tinh’s student, Ryan, is really excited about gaining knowledge in all things tech, and Tinh is equally eager to facilitate that learning. Plus, as Tinh mentioned, the Alteryx for Good team is ready to help educators and students start this journey. Let's jump back over to Leo's son Felipe. |
ANNIE: 11:05 |
Felipe, I'm actually pretty curious. Have you done much in terms of data science or analytics or had anything like that woven into any of your classes already in middle school? |
FELIPE: 11:17 |
Yes. Actually, in seventh grade, we started doing a lot more analyzing different datasets. But we didn't have anything like Alteryx or Excel to help us. We'd do it manually. And let me just say, it's a lot more fun when you can tell a machine to do it for you, and you can tell them how, right? Because Alteryx, it's a lot easier than Excel to do, but it takes a while to get used to it. So I'd use Excel, and it was very small scale. And I didn't realize that these companies were doing the exact same thing I was on a larger scale with the same software. And I thought to myself, how? That would have been insane. I couldn't even start to think on how hard it would be for someone to basically take a multi-million dollar company and try to pass it through Excel and see what numbers they get. It just didn't make sense to me. It's not as data analytics focused as Alteryx. Alteryx, it's a lot easier than Excel. I tried doing the same thing with Excel. No. Not going to happen. |
MADDIE: 12:37 |
Earlier this year, as more and more activities became virtual, educators, parents, and students really had to get creative. Here's Felipe again. |
FELIPE: 12:46 |
Yeah. One day we were just thinking, what am I going to do for the next three months of nothingness? And we were thinking-- we said, well, maybe coding. But I had already tried coding, and I got kind of bored. |
LEO: 12:57 |
Right, right, right. That's one of the things we bounced off. I've been trying to force coding into my kids from the beginning because I know it helps a lot. It helped me tremendously. But for some reason, it didn't take, right? |
FELIPE: 13:13 |
Well, it helped a lot. With computer science class next year, it's going to help knowing a little bit more about coding. But I think the main reason why the Alteryx certification interested me was because it was a challenge. It was a challenge that I personally enjoyed. |
MADDIE: 13:34 |
What a cool way to think about the Alteryx certification. Simply as a challenge. As a practice in expanding your way of thinking. This was important to Tinhas an educator as well. Here's Annie. |
ANNIE: 13:47 |
And Tinh, I want to ask a follow-up question to you too. As you're watching your students like Ryan going through this program, what were some thoughts that you had as an educator as far as watching them progress to and through the content and learning Alteryx on their own? What did that feel like for you as an educator? |
TINH: 14:05 |
Yeah. So at first, I thought it was going to be challenging for the students. But I think once the kids started getting the hang of it, it becomes pretty natural, and they pick it up pretty quickly. I think a lot quicker than I did. And just the fact that they're learning something new on their own, self-motivated, self-driven, that's the standard right there. Because a lot of education these days is self-driven, so one of the ways our students are going to get a competitive advantage is to be able to have those skills to learn things on their own at their own pace and just keep persevering. |
MADDIE: 14:48 |
As a parent, Leo went through a similar thought process when introducing Alteryx to his son, Felipe. |
LEO: 14:54 |
To me as a dad, I was a little fearful about kind of pushing him or putting this in front of him. I wouldn't say pushing him. But I would say fearful that he would feel like a failure if he doesn't pass. It started pretty rough. I think once we kind of figured out a way of how to go through the certification and the exercises, it took a little bit of a life on its own. He just kind of planned-- he planned to fail, basically, is one of the things I take out of it. And I say this because he said, well, between now and my birthday-- the idea was that he does it-- that he certifies before his 13th birthday so we can kind of take it as a badge of honor that he did it when he was 12. So he went through and said, I can fail these amount of times, right? You can take the exam every seven days. And that way, I'll learn how the exam works and sort of learn through the process. But I was fearful throughout the process that-- did I throw out too much at him? Will he feel very demotivated? And those were some of the fears. But at the same time, it helped in the main aspect, which is he woke up every morning, had something to do, spend some of the morning-- at the same time in the computer and connected to the web, but also kind of absorbing something that expands his brain and kind of forces him to kind of take on a new skill, right? |
ANNIE: 16:37 |
Yeah. That's amazing. And I will say it is definitely a badge of honor to have become Alteryx course certified before your 13th birthday, so that's amazing. |
MADDIE: 16:44 |
Now if you've been a longtime listener of Alter Everything, you know that we love highlighting the importance of embracing failures and challenges as motivation to keep trying and keep getting better. And I think we sometimes can underestimate the resilience of people, the younger generation in particular. But really, when you think about it, they're perfect for this type of thing. Here's Ryan telling Annie about why these alternative methods worked so well for him. |
RYAN: 17:10 |
Alternative learning methods such as playing things with Kahoot and Jeopardy have really increased my amount of dedication to learning something because there's always a game involved. So I like to play video games, and so having that sort of incentive definitely motivates me to want to learn something and come out on top during games. And I think there are a lot of other people that would agree with this, especially in this modern age of technology and with everyone gaming, especially on different devices like on their phone every single day, especially on consoles, and throughout the internet. |
ANNIE: 17:39 |
That's really cool. Yeah. We hear that a lot from students. |
MADDIE: 17:41 |
Felipe's dad, Leo, also understands the importance of embracing alternative learning for his kids, especially given how agile they are when it comes to technology. |
LEO: 17:50 |
So we were trying to find ways to channel several things. He's interested in science, but also this natural relationship that kids have with devices, computer, electronics, and internet as a whole. And also just using this time that is so hard on everybody as an opportunity to improve yourself, which is sort of one of my values. You take hard times and you get the best out of it. |
MADDIE: 18:30 |
Okay. So earlier, Tinh mentioned how important it is for students to be able to self-guide their learning. But when you have curriculum to plan and learning standards to meet in the classroom, how do educators adapt and keep learning fun, especially in virtual environments? Here's Annie diving into this topic more with Tinh. |
ANNIE: 18:48 |
And I think now with students just having to be online more, and then having all this information and access available to them, that self-guided learning is even more crucial. So Tinh, I'm wondering what kinds of content-- I mean, whether it's Alteryx or something else, what kind of content do you see students responding to when you are bringing them these kind of self-guided learning options, and how do you choose kind of what to introduce them to as an educator? |
TINH: 19:15 |
I think students respond to content that is current and relevant and something that prepares them for the future, whether it be a career or just becoming a healthy, productive individual later in their life. And so I read a lot on technology. I keep up with the news. And so that gives me a sense of where the field is going, and that's how I decide what concepts and skills to present to my students. |
ANNIE: 19:49 |
Got it. And then how do you weave that content into your curriculum? Is your curriculum something that has kind of been set in stone, and now more recently you're having to adapt to it? Or have you always been able to be agile and bring in external tools and resources that you feel benefit your students? |
TINH: 20:06 |
So the class curriculum I consider as the base curriculum, right? So we cover that as the base. And then whenever there's something relevant or interesting that's going on in the world today, I will incorporate that into classroom discussions. For example, I was really glued to the livestream of Launch America, when the astronauts first launched into space, and when they arrived home. And watching the livestream from NASA and SpaceX, to me that is the best STEM lesson that one could possibly have. And so I kind of try to incorporate things like that into my classroom. And I'll let them know, hey, there's this livestream going on. You might want to check it out. And various articles that I read about technology and things like that, I'll share with them. So that they can start to think about how what they're learning applies in real life. |
MADDIE: 21:08 |
I cannot tell you how much I relate to this. I think everyone can. There's so much to learn out there. But if you invest your time learning something that is relevant to your interests and that can maybe even open up doors for you in the future, it's really a no brainer. Think about the certification that we heard the group mention earlier. The Alteryx certification is free, you can take the exam as many times as you need in order to pass, and you can utilize all of the resources on community to help you improve. Plus, it bears a lot of weight when added to your resume or LinkedIn profile. Back to Annie. |
ANNIE: 21:45 |
Felipe, I want to switch gears a little bit and talk more specifically just about how you got to the core certification. Can you walk me through just some of the resources, whether it's in the Alteryx community or things that you found on your own, that helped you prepare for the course certification exam? |
FELIPE: 22:02 |
Yeah. So let's start at the beginning. At the beginning, we looked at how we were going to do the test, and I said, I can take it every seven days, and I'm probably not going to pass on the first try, right? So I gave myself two weeks to prepare before the first test, and then another four weeks to take the test four times before my birthday, right? So I came into the first test, and I was like-- I passed all the lesson plans. I did everything you're supposed to. But I made one crucial mistake. I didn't do the weekly challenges the first two weeks. Because I looked at it and I said, how am I going to do this? So I walk into the test. Bam, first question is a practical application question. I get stuck for 30 minutes trying to figure it out. And the first test, I didn't even pass. I got 38% on that first test. So instantly humbled, realize this is going to take more than one try, and I said, okay. Because the practical application really is where I got stuck. So I said, let's start doing the weekly challenges. First week, I improve by 30%, just doing the weekly challenges. So now, there are some questions where it would have been useful to have Alteryx help open. So now, as I'm taking the test, right before I open the test, I have Alteryx Designer open. I have Alteryx help and Alteryx community open. And in between these tests, I'm doing as many weekly challenges as I can fit into my schedule. Which, let's be honest, being stuck at home, there wasn't much time already taken up, so I could fit a good deal of weekly challenges in. Yeah. And then on the fourth try, a day before I turned 13, I passed. And I hit the finish test button, I saw the 80.2%, and I said, great. I pass. And the wash of relief of the past six weeks just-- it just felt great just having passed this thing that took me six weeks the day before my birthday. |
ANNIE: 24:18 |
That's amazing. |
LEO: 24:18 |
So-- |
ANNIE: 24:19 |
Oh, go ahead, Leo. |
LEO: 24:20 |
No, I was just saying-- I mean, I think the weekly challenges-- I would say they are critical for-- I wasn't much looking over his shoulder, but I knew from people that have done it that the weekly challenges were important. And as you can hear, they were critical. I think the other thing is just taking the mock tests. Right, Felipe, you did the mock test. You did the-- |
FELIPE: 24:48 |
Yeah. I took the practice test too, and that kind of helped me get the general structure of how the test was going to go. |
LEO: 24:56 |
Right. And just the documentation that was there. Sort of the guide and the different small videos and sort of courses that Alteryx has in the community, that was also quite a bit of help. I don't remember. Did you do them all or just the--? |
FELIPE: 25:18 |
I did all of the core ones. All of the core-- |
LEO: 25:21 |
Yeah. All of the core ones. And what else was--? Anything outside of the community that you used, or was it just all self-contained there? |
FELIPE: 25:30 |
It was mostly just Alteryx. In the community, all the stuff I found was all there. |
MADDIE: 25:37 |
Ryan had a similar story. |
ANNIE: 25:39 |
Then, Ryan, I'm curious too about core certification itself in light of just the discussion that we're having. What advice would you give to another high school student who maybe has not taken any type of certification outside of traditional coursework, and what was it like to go through the learning to get core certified? |
RYAN: 26:03 |
So my advice to other students is to really just keep on working at it. Because if you don't work at it, then you'll kind of forget everything and you'll just be-- you'll just be going through the motions without really thinking about what you're doing and the significance of what this data analytics can have in terms of the future. And so the advice that I would give is that you should always put your best effort into everything. Because the tests, those things are-- they're kind of tricky sometimes, so that's why I didn't pass on my first try. It took me a while before I got into the hang of it. And the best way to do it is by really going through the learning paths, which were building up your foundational knowledge, and then practicing that with the weekly challenges. The weekly challenges were actually crucial because they really put your knowledge into question, and they really tested what you knew. And if you didn't know something, you could just go through the community and search it up or look at the comments section and see what people were able to do. Because some people are really creative and they figure it out some really creative way. My other friend, he did some really complicated way to solve this community challenge, and I just did it in some really simple, basic way. So it's really cool to see how different minds work and how there's so many ways to get to one answer. |
ANNIE: 27:23 |
Awesome. And then you mentioned some of your friends. And this question is for either of you. How many students were using Alteryx or went through the K-12 program with you, Tinh, and how many then were core certified? |
TINH: 27:39 |
Yeah. So this past semester, we did it as a pilot program, so it was totally optional. I really didn't want to force the students to take on something that they felt was too overwhelming. So it was completely optional, so I left it to students who were self-motivated, and I would say we had about 10 students who went through the learning path this past semester, and about 5 students have passed and received certification so far. |
ANNIE: 28:13 |
That's amazing. And I know our desire, just to help get this into the hands of a younger student audience, is something that's really important to us too. And so I'm curious, Tinh, how do you introduce data science and analytics as an area of study to your students? What does that look like? Because I know a lot of educators might struggle with explaining the area of study itself. What do you do to introduce students to what data science and analytics is and what it can do for them? |
TINH: 28:47 |
One of the units in our engineering class is on statistics, and in that unit we primarily use Excel, and they learn how to figure out the mean, the mode, and all that basic stuff. We also get into the R value and the R squared value and talking about how closely the data matches up with the line and things like that. So that's kind of how I introduce data analytics to students, is through that unit, which is on statistics. And then I tell them, look, you guys. Statistics and data analysis is used in industry all the time, whether it be to determine what products customers are buying, to what Netflix shows they're watching at a certain point in time. So it's used all the time. And so that's kind of how I relate data analytics to kind of the things that they experience in their everyday lives. |
ANNIE: 29:46 |
Got it. And then, Tinh, do you have any thoughts around other areas in school, in high school specifically, where data analytics is either introduced or should be introduced? |
TINH: 29:59 |
Well, an interesting idea I have is to partner up with the high school baseball team. And in baseball, there's a lot of stats that are taken and recorded. So I was thinking of maybe having my students analyze those stats and provide some sort of helpful conclusions to improve his team's performance. That's one project. Another one, too, I thought about was since we've had this pandemic, and we've asked families to select what teaching models they prefer, whether it be hybrid or virtual. So it's kind of caused this really chaotic mess in the master schedule and how to piece all that together. So I was thinking of using data analytics to help with that process to kind of cut down the time it takes to put together a complicated master schedule for our school. |
ANNIE: 30:55 |
That's really cool. Both of those. I love the idea of partnering with the baseball team or any of the sports teams on campus. There's so many cool things that could tap into students' individual interests where they could see data science and analytics being relevant, which is really cool. |
MADDIE: 31:10 |
Let's jump back to Annie's conversation with Felipe. |
ANNIE: 31:13 |
And I wonder, too, if you hypothetically are in a class as an eighth-grader, and you see that Alteryx maybe could come in handy, but the teacher has no idea what it is or hasn't heard of it before, what might you say to your teacher to encourage them to start incorporating Alteryx into the class? |
FELIPE: 31:32 |
Well, I'd probably do the trial by fire thing. I'd get two of the same data sets, make her try analyzing it once through Excel and the other time through Alteryx, and I'll see which one she likes better. Or he. And yeah, trial by fire. |
ANNIE: 31:51 |
Awesome. |
FELIPE: 31:52 |
Make them realize how much better it is. |
ANNIE: 31:54 |
Yeah. And what about other students? If you are trying to encourage any of your friends to get started in data science and analytics, what might you say to them? |
FELIPE: 32:02 |
I think I would probably just show them how the software works a little bit myself, and then tell them, hey, why don't you try getting certified? |
ANNIE: 32:12 |
And Leo, I'm interested from your perspective as a parent. What advice might you have for parents who are trying to think of creative ways to keep their student engaged while at home? And maybe they don't know what Alteryx is. What might you say to them to encourage them to find out a little bit more? |
LEO: 32:31 |
Yeah. That's a good question. A little bit of personal philosophy is that it never ever hurts to learn something new, right? So it doesn't have to be getting certified. It can be just learning how to use the software, or taking some of the training that Phillipe did, or just getting familiar, getting your bearings around data analytics. Like I said before, I think it's going to be a critical skill, especially for people coming out of school. The other thing is you might think as a parent that you don't want to-- there's always this fear that you don't want to set your kids for failure, and that was a big fear of mine. I was kind of second-guessing myself. Did I throw too much at him again? Just don't be fearful. 12-year-old kid. Enough time and enough [inaudible] to get through it. You don't have to have any special skills or special previous knowledge. Just a little bit of encouragement. And that makes me very hopeful about the new generations, incidentally. |
LEO: 33:43 |
I think for us, it was also selfish in the sense that-- Felipe told you how he sees himself working for a car company. I think we also saw a much immediate result, which is in his school he needs to develop a portfolio, and that portfolio will be part of sort of his high school selection, and probably beyond that in college. Now that portfolio will have a very important asset, which is knowledge and certification in what is the most popular and useful technologies of today, which is Designer and Alteryx. Now I don't know about you, but if I'm a person at a college or I'm an executive at a company that is selecting the internists, and I see somebody that has that, it's immensely valuable for me, and it tells me all sorts of things about the individual, about their family, about their capacities. So today, when we are so worried about competitiveness in the workplace, I think as parents we have a duty to experiment with these things. So yeah, go ahead. Give Alteryx a try. Put it in front of your kids. It's not for every kid. But just definitely give it a try. |
MADDIE: 35:19 |
Never stop learning. A universal sentiment that was definitely felt by Leo, Felipe, Tinh, and Ryan. So here's a challenge for you. Visit, where you'll find links to all of the programs and resources mentioned in this episode. Plus, we have blog posts and an infographic about the data science profession that gives great insight into a career using Alteryx. And if you have an Alteryx success story, tell us about it in the comments on our show notes page or share it on social media by tagging @Alteryx and using the hashtag #altereverythingpodcast. Catch you next time. |
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