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terry10, Scientist, Data Literacy Lead, Mom, Cuber, Alteryx Fanatic

12 - Quasar


Hi! I'm Terry Alexander, a scientist (virologist) working as the Data Literacy Lead at Pfizer. I live in San Diego, CA with my two teenage sons. Due to COVID-19, we are required to wear a mask when out in the community. Here's me in my fuzzy match mask. (Made from an Alteryx User Group bandana.)


I'm a cuber and twisty puzzle enthusiast.  I'm a slow cuber - given enough time, I can solve just about anything, but I am not fast, just like with the weekly challenges. 🙂 .




In addition to participating in the online Alteryx community, I am a member of the San Diego Alteryx User Group, and I launched and lead the Alteryx community of practice at my company, so you can tell I am an Alteryx fanatic.


I look forward to connecting with other community members!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @terry10 !


I am so glad you took the time to officially introduce yourself! As a data literacy expert, I wanted to point you to an interesting conversation in our Women of Analytics group: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Women-of-Analytics/To-require-Data-Literacy-for-every-university-st...


I love the creative use of the pet bandana -- perhaps we consider masks for the next Inspire giveaway?! (cc: @LaurenU )
