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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAWhen I use Alteryx, one of the philosophies I go by is to try and make everything as repeatable and reusable as possible. After all, why just solve today's problem when you can solve future problems at the same time.
With that in mind I wanted to create a macro that doesn't just solve SEND + MORE = MONEY (with each letter being a different number between 0 and 9) but also any other equation like this.
While I did this, this is a rare example where this approach doesn't really work. The macro I created does work for any solution, however on longer equations it takes so long that it really isn't feasible to use for them (like the one in the example would take weeks to run). I'm still going to submit the macro as it is a solution and the macro contains the logic to solve it in a quicker time.
Here is my submission, fun challenge!