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A solution to last week's challenge has been posted here.
This week's challenge comes to you from ACE @Treyson - Thank you for your contribution!
Determine the profit margin for your company based on the number of quarters they have been a customer of yours. Read the directions carefully and use the hints as needed.
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Hello Community Members,
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
We are excited to kick off our series of Weekly Challenges submitted by User Group members! Over the next 4 weeks, we will be featuring challenges submitted as part of our Weekly Challenge User Group October Takeover event. Thank you to everyone who submitted their challenges!
The first challenge in this series comes from Jessica Emerson (@jessemers), a member of the Houston User Group. Thanks, Jessica, for this fantastic contribution!
The World Happiness Report polls over 100,000 people in over 130 countries annually to determine happiness rankings. The main life evaluation question asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale (Ladder Score). The columns following the happiness score are variables based on observed data for six factors: economic production, social support, life expectancy, freedom, absence of corruption, and generosity. The report uses these variables to help explain the happiness ranking variation across countries.
The provided datasets include the World Happiness Report data for 2023 and 2024.
Your task is to use the provided datasets to answer the following questions:
Which year had the highest average happiness score?
For each year, which is the highest-scoring country with a gross domestic product (GDP) under 1?
Which five countries had the highest average generosity factor over the 2-year period?
Bonus task: How high is your country’s happiness score?
Happy solving!
Data Source: World Happiness Report Data Dashboard
The Academy Team
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Hi Maveryx,
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This week's challenge, contributed by our Community member AntoBennetsha Jabamalai (@AntobennetshaJ), will sharpen your data preparation skills. A big thanks to Anto!
Who among us has not encountered the task of handling dates in various formats in our daily work? But let’s be honest: who regularly checks the date format before streamlining their processes?
In this challenge, we are faced with the task of cleaning a set of dates in a survey dataset. The date was collected in a string field, which meant that survey respondents entered the dates in different formats. This resulted in dates having different delimiters and additional, unnecessary information. For practical analysis of the survey data, it is crucial to standardize all dates into a consistent format (YYYY-MM-DD) and organize them from the oldest to the most recent.
Need a bit of guidance? The interactive lesson Separating Data into Columns and Rows in Academy offers insights on handling values like those in our dataset, which include multiple separators such as slashes, hyphens, and dots, as well as other superfluous characters.
Good luck!
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Hello Community Members,
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This week’s challenge was created by Jennifer Fugita @Fugi. Thanks, Jennifer, for this fun challenge!
The Great British Baking Show is an iconic baking competition and has been a staple of TV entertainment for 14 seasons. Fans everywhere have been whisking up some burning questions. From age breakdowns to star bakers, handshakes, and more, there is a lot of data to uncover behind the flour, frosting, and fierce competition.
There are five datasets for this challenge:
Bakers.csv includes information about the participants of each season.
Episodes.csv details information about each episode, such as their themes; signature; technical and showstopper baking challenges; and timing to complete each challenge.
The Standardize Themes Text Input tool reveals the baking challenges’ themes and theme categories.
Outcomes.csv includes season episodes, bakers’ names, and how they performed in each episode.
Seasons.csv outlines information about each season’s hosts; judges; winners and the year they won; and information about the network and streaming services where the show is available.
So, grab your apron and your Designer data analytics tools to complete the following tasks:
Calculate the youngest, oldest, and average age of bakers for each gender.
Count how many episodes were in each season and determine which season had the fewest episodes.
Determine the top three baking theme categories across the regular episodes of the 14 seasons. Note that the last episode of each season is a special episode final bake-off. HINT: Exclude the Final theme from the Theme field.
Combine the Outcomes and Seasons datasets to find out the name of the winner who had the most star baker and handshakes combined. HINT: Beware of duplicate values in the Seasons dataset!
Need a refresher? Review the following lessons in Academy to gear up:
Joining Data
Summarizing Data
Good luck!
The Academy Team
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Data Source:
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Hello Community members!
A solution to last week’s challenge can be found here.
This week’s challenge was submitted by Jay Zhen @jialiangzhen . Thank you, Jay, for this great challenge!
Imagine you work for a large organization’s accounting department. You are responsible for organizing the payment schedule for the year based on specific dates.
The entire company’s payments must be completed by the 6th workday of each month. You want to use Designer to organize a schedule for the entire year. The provided dataset contains the 2024 calendar and company holidays. Your task is to determine when the 6th workday is for each month in 2024. A workday is defined as any weekday from Monday to Friday (excluding company
Note: If you get stuck, check out the Hints box included in the workflow.
Need a refresher? Review the following lessons in Academy to gear up:
Joining Data
Numeric Functions
Good luck!
The Academy Team
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