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Division based on TRUE FALSE values

8 - Asteroid



I want to create a separate percentage column on the basis of the Status value which is True & False.


The condition is EMP_ID where Termination Status is True/EMP_ID where Termination Status is False(Month wise).





5 - Atom

Hello Kuldeep,


The method that I used is very simple, there were some missing elements that needed to be reordered. The data is fantastic and took some time for me to think for what to be achieved. 


I have added a Union tool to club both output from summary. Later, reordered monthly using a sort tool and finally used a multi row formula tool to do the required calculation.


I have copied the expression below so that people in community can make use of it.


If you think this is a solution that you are looking for will this solve your current need?  I hope so.



Vinod D