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Automating Reporting on Account Receivables

Boule de feu

Hello, Tax, Audit, and Office of Finance User Group Members,


Thank you for attending the Q3 meeting on 9/30/2019!

We were joined by Anna Sgro of DCP Midstream, who walked us through two use cases and discussed her Alteryx journey and how she got started with Self-Service Analytics.



Anna Sgro, Supply Chain Transformation Manager, DCP Midstream

Anna first walked us through how she used Alteryx to assist with automating reporting on Account Receivables. She was able to reduce the manual work in the process, and utilized Alteryx to assist the end user with finishing the report.







Anna then walked us through her use case on Unreceived Liabilities. Using Alteryx, she was able to automate manual V-Lookups and SQL queries.






Thank you again Anna for your time presenting on these two use cases!


You too can share your work at the Tax, Audit, and Office of Finance UG!


The Finance User Group is always looking for presenters who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests, you, please email usergroups@alteryx.com or reach out to one of the group leaders!



Alteryx Updates:

  • Alteryx Inspire is in London!
    • Oct. 14th-17th
    • Hope to see you all there!
  • Tune in to the Alter Everything Podcast
    • Discussions and interviews with Analytics leaders and champions



Looking forward to seeing you again at our Q4 meeting TBA!!!




-Your UG Team





Thanks for posting and sharing! I also work in the accountant's universe.


I'm curious how you your team save your processes for audits, etc.? Do you just save the workflows, do you have standard documentation?


This presentation was really insightful, and contained great use cases and ideas. Thankfully, I also work with a lot of separate tables and charts, and have been provided excel workbooks containing queries and macros to no end. This presentation really highlighted the capabilities of Alteryx, and the ease of moving from a legacy process.


Thank you,

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I am part of the Health Care user group leadership team and spotting this post is very timely for me as I am working on a project to automate the AR reporting related to billing of health insurance premiums for our groups and individual members. Thank you for sharing these use cases! Since this type of financial reporting is new for me it is nice to see from the slides that I am taking a similar approach! The video link is broken as this was originally posted some time ago, do you by any chance have another link? I would love to hear the whole talk.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @SGolnik , thanks for flagging! We are going to take a look at this and see if we can upload a good copy. Hang tight!!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@SGolnik looks like the recording is back up!