Welcome to the new SparkED Group Hub. Before you get started, check out our new program overview video

Independent Learners Discussions

Reskill for a competitive advantage in the job market. Access hands-on practice and get certified.

Alteryx SparkED Alumni on LinkedIn

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Team, if you have obtained your Alteryx micro-credential or any other Alteryx certification, please follow our Alteryx SparkED| LinkedIn page and update your education section in YOUR LinkedIn profile so that you appear as an alumni, especially if you're looking for employment. Doing this will allow our customers and AYX recruiters to find you when they are searching for Alteryx SparkED program grads on LinkedIn.    


Jay Garcia
Sr. Education Program Manager – US West & LATAM | SparkED
Head of SparkED for Military & Veterans Program
California, USA | M: +1 916.212.5017 | jay.garcia@alteryx.com
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Please do take the time to follow the SparkED LinkedIn page. We greatly appreciate your support.

Alteryx SparkED Team

Following. Thanks for sharing

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