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copying/pasting values from specific input (excel) cells to output (excel document

5 - Atom

Hello Alteryx Community! 


I am new to the Alteryx world and looking for some help. I have been given a task to automate some manual excel work and wondering if its possible to do so with Alteryx and if so, how to go about it.


Basically I have 8 excel files (7 input and 1 output) I want to be able to take specific values in cells from the various input file and basically paste them in the output excel file ( some cases I want to sum/ average a column up then paste to the output). It takes about an hour of manual work to do this at the moment. I was hoping to create a workflow that can basically cut down that time significantly. If anyone has some tips, please let me know!

17 - Castor

Hi @Vkhaou 


Are the cells in the same place in the 7 input files? Are there multiple tabs in those files? You can likely use a batch macro to accomplish this. 

5 - Atom

Hi Luke!

thanks for the quick reply. No, they are all in different places in the input files. The input files are extremely different and unrelated to each other. The output file is a large "Dashboard" that incorporates all the numbers from the inputs. There are multiple tabs in the file, but I only use 1 tab in each input file. With this in mind, would a batch macro work? 


