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New Alteryx student

5 - Atom


I'm an Accounting student and a new Alteryx student. 

Can someone share the tips and resources for the Alteryx Certification Exam?

13 - Pulsar



Welcome on the community !


There are many ressources to prepare the Alteryx certification.


At this link : . You have all certifications and the prep guide attached for each one.


Also, the weekly challenges are a great way to practice regularly and become familiar to many categories of tools. Link :


Finally, you have also the learnings paths which can help you to hands-on tools for the first times. Link :


Does it answer to your question ? 🙂

17 - Castor

As nowadays most of the companies have started using Alteryx in future it will be like one of MANDATORY applications like Excel.


Banking industry, accounting, and many start-ups have started using extensively as it is of low code no code where non-IT individuals can also learn quickly and implement in their work soon.

Found this in addition for you


The below will the one stop learning platform for your preparation.


Break into 2 parts:

1. Go through all the tools in Tools Palette and their usage/limitations.

2. Also request you too practice as much as possible with Challenges before taking up the exam.

Answering 80 questions in 2 hours for Core Designer will be ending up in time crunch.


As nowadays most of the companies have started using Alteryx in future it will be like one of MANDATORY applications like Excel.


All the best for your exam. Welcome to the Alteryx community.

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