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Alteryx Memory utilization


I am relatively new to Alteryx Gallery admin status. One of the tasks I wish to achieve is to get an understanding of the Alteryx memory/ CPU/ Node utilization. I am aware that there is a workflow called - Alteryx Utilization report, but. unfortunately I only get the information regarding the individual workflows and not the gallery itself. 

I want to get the statistics of the memory and CPU being utilized because I want to be proactive when there is any overutilization of my CPU/Memory. I want to be prepared before hand if I would need to request for more CPU or more memory or more nodes in my Alteryx Gallery 

It would be very helpful if someone can advice me on this 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @adarsh2707,


There are a couple options regarding the monitoring of your Alteryx Server.


The first beign the diagnostics tab in the Admin section of the Alteryx Gallery. Here you will be able to monitor the number of users, assets, collections, studios, credentials, schedules, and jobs on the Server. You can also view the number of worker machines that are connected and identify constraints in resources impacting performance e.g CPU and memory utilisation.


In addtion to this please see this article detailing how to measure and scale your Server.


Something else to consider as well, in order to add some conext to the above, is this post on the Alteryx Engine and resource summary.


Kind regards,




Thank you @DanielMS 

However, I dont seem to have access to the last link 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Try this @adarsh2707,


Please Like and mark my response as a solution if it has answered your question.


Kind regards,




HI @DanielMS 

Thank you for this.


Just a last question, from the diagnostics page, is there any possible way of extracting the data in the form of a json or excel or any format. I went through the API's and did not find any way of getting this. Would be very helpful if we could get this 

The reason being I want to extract it for my gallery and use it to report the data for entire history s in the diagnostics page we can only get day to day data

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @adarsh2707 ,


You can't extract that data at this point in time.


If you are looking to record and store performance data then a 3rd party software will be needed to monitor the OS of the Server machine.


For exmaple if your Alteryx Server is deplyed on VMWARE then you can use VMWARE vSphere Ops Manager.


Another potnetial solve would be Windows Server System Center as well.


Kind regards,




@DanielMS Thank you for this. 

will look into it 

Hi All,

Can we see any particular day's memory and CPU usage of a server in diagnostic page.
