Hi Community !
Is anyone participating in Advent of code 2020 using Alteryx ? We could set a private leaderboard.
Hi @atcodedog05 ,
Basically this is a programming challenge happening from 1st of December through 25th of December with one challenge each day. Each challenge is made of two parts and you earn one star for each part you complete.
The goal here is to make it using only Alteryx and following rules from this post : https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alter-Nation/Introducing-the-Advent-of-Code-BaseA-style/ba-p/498038
Here is the link of the challlenge : https://adventofcode.com/2020
I didn't find anything posted this year, this is why i posted myself to ask.
Yes same as last year. Same private leaderboard code - 453066-ca912f80
Usual rules of BaseA apply!
I suggest we use this thread for now as a place to chat!
Thank you @jdunkerley79 !
So glad this came up again this year! Thanks for posting @Jean-Balteryx !
I went ahead and added the "Advent of Code" label back to this discussion board so that we can better collaborate across the community.
Last year @estherb47 brought this to the Community -- and you can see all the posts here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/forums/filteredbylabelpage/board-id/general-discussions/label-name/...
Any volunteers to post a new thread for each Advent of code challenge for 2020? All it would entail is starting a new topic here in general discussions for each challenge and adding the label "Advent of Code". Perhaps he can follow a similar naming convention to last year for the topic subject as well?
For example:
I can then have our moderators move any replies that were already posted here to the appropriate thread. Reply here if you'd be willing to take the lead on initiating the new topics!
I'm sure I can handle it ! 🙂
WOOOO! Thanks @Jean-Balteryx !