Discussion thread for day 6 of the Advent of Code - https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/6
This is precisely when you realize Day 6 is hard 😂 No Solutions yet posted!
I'm reasonably confident in my solution. It's just that I estimate the runtime at ~600 hours.
That was the point at which I chose sleep.
My solution, Part 1 is fairly quick, but Part 2 took 1hr and 10min to run:
My First Solution:
Main Workflow:
Move Guard (Iterative Macro):
Part 2: Place Obstacles (Batch Macro w/ Move Guard macro nested inside):
Amazing Solution (Thanks to @gawa for the idea to not nest macros): With the power of smart optimizations and memoization of the guard's corner stops this workflow solves Day 6 in 2 minutes and 30 seconds!!!:
Pretty Picture of Part 1 Guard's Trajectory:
This one is really hard 😂
First Part was running 17min and Second I have to fine tune as it will run forever :P
Sheesh. More in spoiler
Very satisfying to get this one cracked. Originally didn't have a clue how to tackle it but tested out a few approaches and got there in the end. P1 runtime was 1.7 seconds, P2 was 1 hour 42 mins. A huge thanks to @CoG for the golden tip on optimising iterations!
Brute force way. For part2, it'll take 8 hours in my computer😂😂😂
Instead of nested macro(Iterative Macro inside Batch Macro), I made attempt by single Iteration Macro, that run within 15min.
I maintain the same algorithm(brute force) as previous attempt but running time got much faster.
Nested Macro is 'easy for human to understand' but 'not easy for Alteryx to process'...maybe.
Day 6 is toooooo hard. Normally this difficulty puzzle is served after day15.
This is not fast, but it is needed for part 2 input.
Part2 Batch macro(Place obstacles one by one from the path of Part1 and start the infinite loop detection macro):
Part2 finding the infinit loop macro :
To solve faster, I think that the gawa's parallel approach is needed.